CampDoc Safety Package

- 20 x Original Labels
- 1 x Large Bag Tag
- 17 x Safety Wristbands
Trekker Package
Your child’s clothing and camp supplies add up… make sure it all comes home again. Use Original Labels on food containers and suntan lotion, Mini Labels on sunglasses and toothbrushes, Shoe Labels on running shoes and flip-flops, Stick-eez™ Clothing Labels on shorts and t-shirts with care tags, Iron-on Clothing Labels on tagless clothing and the Large Bag Tag on their backpack.

- 20 x Original Labels
- 30 x Mini Labels
- 6 x Shoe Labels
- 30 x Iron-on Clothing Labels
- 1 x Large Bag Tag
- 35 x Stick-eez™ Clothing Labels
Expedition Package
Step away from the permanent marker! This package contains plenty of labels for everything your child brings to camp.
Use Original Labels on water bottles and flashlights, Mini Labels on toothbrushes and pens, Shoe Labels on runners and flip flops, Stick-eez™ Clothing Labels on clothing with care-tags, Iron-on Clothing Labels on tagless clothing and Large Bag Tags on backpacks.

- 20 x Original Labels
- 50 x Mini Labels
- 14 x Shoe Labels
- 30 x Iron-on Clothing Labels
- 2 x Large Bag Tag
- 35 x Stick-eez™ Clothing Labels
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