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Etiquetas para Ropa Fijación con Plancha

$19.99 /paq. De 60
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  • resistente a lavadoras

  • disponible con found-it&trade (encontrado&intercambiado)

Sabemos lo frustrante que es que tus hijos pierdan una remera en el parque, el pantaloncito extra en el preescolar o un saco en la boda de tu prima. Estas etiquetas, adherentes al plancharlas, se fijarán estupendamente en cualquier prenda que tiene que salir de la casa para asegurarse de que regrese.

Las Etiquetas para Ropa Fijación con Plancha se adhieren de forma permanente en cualquier tipo de tela resistente al planchado, así que puedes meterlas en la lavadora y en la secadora sin miedo. Se aplican con una plancha casera y unas láminas de silicona que incluye el pedido.

Etiquetas para Ropa Fijación con Plancha también disponible en :
Clothing Package, Camp Package, Trekker Package
  • tamaño: 2" x 1/2" | 50mm x 12mm
  • disponible con Found-it™
  • incluye láminas de silicona (necesarias para la aplicación)
  • resistentes al lavado
  • impermeables
  • resistentes a cambios de clima
  • permanentes, no se despegan
  • alta calidad, impresiones a todo color
  1. Lavar y secar la prenda sin usar suavizante.
    Nota: Es necesario lavar la prenda para eliminar cualquier resto de químicos textiles que se hayan usado durante su fabricación.
  2. Precalentar la plancha a máxima temperatura sin vapor. Para mejores resultados, planchar en una superficie dura y resistente como una mesa.
  3. Despegar la etiqueta de la hoja (NO debe sentirse pegajosa), colocar en la prenda y cubrirla con la lámina de silicona proporcionada. Evitar zonas elásticas como las bandas flexibles de la cintura.
  4. Presionar con firmeza la plancha caliente sobre la lámina de silicona durante unos 20 segundos. Con rapidez, reposicionar la plancha y hacer presión 20 segundos más. Usar siempre las láminas de silicona que se porporcionan. La plancha no debe entrar nunca en contacto directo con la etiqueta.
  5. Remover la lámina de silicona una vez que se enfríe. La etiqueta debe aparecer texturizada en la tela de debajo

Estas etiquetas no son un juguete. Deben ser colocadas por un adulto o bajo la supervisión de uno.

Comparte tu opinión sobre nuestros productos. Haz click aquí para escribir una reseña..

Always great service and quality labels. Thank you
Better designs than the other companies! My son is going to love his bubble guppies tags. Website easy to use.
Best labels in existence! They never come off in the wash
The iron-on labels are great! i have some school shirts from my older daughter that still have the label on 3 years later!! I will always come back and order from Oliver's!
Très beaux produits et les prix son abordables. Merci!
I love Oliver's iron-on & heavy-duty stick-on labels. And they almost always arrive before the estimated arrival date.
I have ordered these labels in the past. The ordering process is easy and I like the quality of the labels. These were easy to iron on also.
Recommended by several other moms. This is our first order.
We used these labels last year for summer camp... and we're ordering more for this year! Easy to iron on and they stay put! We love them! The designs are bright and very appealing to kids, tweenagers, and adults alike!
Love the labels for my son's clothes. Quality is very good and dealing with Shirley has been amazing !!!
First of all I have ordered labels before and been very happy with the product. This time I ordered, I wanted to do the build a package option. I have an older(12) daughter and a baby so I wanted some of the iron ins for each. It allowed me to add 2 sets but when I customized they had to all be the same design. In the end, I just ended up ordering one set for my baby by itself. Was a little dissapointing.
The products I received were fantastic and easy to use. I had to contact customer service once and the woman was so quick to respond as well as friendly and helpful. I highly recommend Oliver's Labels
Super easy to use website. Great, durable products.
Love this site very easy to use.. thanks for making my life a little bit easier this school year
Oliver's Labels are my top parent pick! I cannot say enough good things about how easy they are to customize, order, and use! The "found-it" feature is what sets them apart from other labels - and it really does work.
love these lables,they are great
love your label
J'ai trésor hâte de voir le résultat !
Just love these sweet labels! Currently I'm using the iron on ones. No scratchy feel on your little one's neck, just soft fabric.
We'll be using the labels on quilts donated to charity by our quilting guild. We'd love the option of a slightly larger label, giving more room for our guild name and a short message.
These have worked great for my Mom who is in a nursing home. Their clothes are washed in commercial washers and dryers at high temperatures and the labels have all remained affixed to her clothing....great product!
100% recommended

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